Lottex2’s mumble

Putting down whatever I feel


東京 武蔵野市 住民投票案 市議会本会議で否決

良かった! 微力ながら、、、込み上げてくるものがある。 だが、まだまだ気は抜けない。 同時多発的に様々な事が起こってきている。 でも、ちょっとだけ今夜は晩酌が楽しみである。


「カナダ人ニュース」さんの動画を見た。 もう我慢が出来なくなった! 東京都のワクチンキャンペーンサイトである。 登録すると数々の特典があるという、 例) *抽選で5名 高級ホテル宿泊券が当たる *抽選で2名 PCが当たる *…

PC trouble 2

Hi, there! I wrote what happened to my PC, right? According to the guy of Microsoft, I found out that the said mal virus didn’t infect my PC. But I found many documents on my desktop screen disappeared. Shameless to say, my desktop screen …


Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I'd love to start my first step for the future for all the children on the globe. No more graphene oxide as vaccine nor chemtrail. We have to say NO to the evil agenda 2030. I know I'm timid. …

PC trouble!

Yesterday, I wrote an opinion and sent it to the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare to voice my opposition to the passage of a Vaccine Passport Bill. Three hours later, my pc screen froze with a warning message from the Windows Defende…


Svegliatevi! Svegliatevi! Ognuno di noi è importante e può scegliere ciò che vuole. I vaccini velenosi con un "chip" non dovrebbero essere obbligatori e non dovremmo essere soggetti alla sorveglianza dei "chip". Dobbiamo liberarci da anni …

To another world!

I saw the setting sun exactly like a sunrise.The big round sun was shining, emitting bright rays on the ground and even into my eyes.The sun sets in the west, but it seemed to be moving horizontally(slightly downward) from southwest to nor…


Sublimating "hatred" into "love" could only be the way to save the world. Violence creates hatred. The hatred creates another violence. Another violence creates another hatred… This chain goes on forever, and the hatred deepens. This is no…

Dr. Fell

I still remember this epigram and always recite it as mumbling to myself: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "I do not like thee, Doctor Fell" Nursery rhyme Written 1680 Genre Traditional rhyme Songwriter(s) Tom Brown I do not like (or …

Mumble 11 - 30.03.2021

Ciao Ciao! Da tanto tempo non ci sentiamo.....scusami! Tutto bene? Sto abbastanza bene, grazie! La piena fioritura dei fiori di ciliegio è quasi finita. Ma non ti preoccupare!! Poi inizia la stagione di un altro tipo di fiori di ciliegio (…

Mumble 10 - 13.03.2021

Hi, how have you been? I'm OK, there was nothing special. Yesterday, I went to Tachikawa to check the Exhibition titled “Alone Together” of Arnold Lobel. It was the exhibition of picture books and many sketches by American author Arnold Lo…

Mumble 9 - 03.03.2021

Ciao ciao? Come stai? Fa bel tempo oggi!! Quindi mi sento molto bene!!! Oggi è il giorno della festa delle bambine e delle donne. Si chiama "HINAMATSURI"!!!! Sono ormai una anziana... ma mi ricordo di qualche memoria quando ero piccola. Gr…

Mumble 8 - 23.02.2021

How have you been? I'm just lazy in writing. Me? I'm pretty good because it's getting warmer day by day. Recently, I'm mad against MSM or G○F○ because they won't report the truth or will cover up the truth deleting what seems to be inconve…

Mumble 7 - 17.02.2021

Come stai, tutto bene? Io sto bene. Ma non ho potuto scriverti per niente! Quello che mi ha fatto arrabbiare e' un articolo come allegato: New Europa Pubblicato 11:00 febbraio 12, 2021 Il capo delle Olimpiadi di Tokyo si dimette per commen…

Mumble 6 - 09.02.2021

Hi, there! How are you? I'm good!! It's pretty warm today. I got a haircut, dyed, and permanent yesterday. My hair-style gets now a little fluffy, so I'm a bit in a fluffy mood. I'm ashamed myself telling you like this as if I were a young…

Mumble 5 - 07.02.2021

Hi, what's up? Not much for my part! But as I told you the day before yesterday, I would like to do something helpful for kids, especially for kids in a kinda imminent situation. But I don't know how to apply for such an institute. I appli…

Mumble 4 -05.02.2021

Salut, comment allez-vous, Lotte P ? Je vais bien. Qu'est-ce que tu as fait aujourd'hui ? Je n'ai rien fait de spécial. C'était bien et il ne faisait pas si froid. Mais j'ai pensé à mon avenir. Pour être exact, j'ai pensé au reste de ma vi…

Mumble 3 - 04.02.2021

Oi, Lotte P! Tudo bem? Eu estou bem.Eu acho que a maneira como as coisas funcionam neste mundo está errada!Tenho vergonha de minha incapacidade porque eu era muito ignorante e indiferente.Não posso elaborar o que me aconteceu, agora.Mas, n…

Mumble 2 - 03.02.2021

Hola hola, ¿qué tal, Lotte P? Estoy muy bien. ¡Hoy está bien con menos nubes! ¿De qué tema debo hablar hoy? Es vergonzoso decir que no tengo suficiente vocabulario para explicar las cosas en español pero lo intentaré de todos modos. Ayer f…

Mumble 1 - 02.02.2021

Ciao, ciao Lotte P, come stai? Io/Lotte K sto abbastanza bene!! Ti è piaciuta la poesia di Kenji Miyazawa? Speo di si. Qualche anni fa, ho trovato la traduzione in italiano come sotto. Ma sfortunamente non posso trovala quindi non posso sc…


Hi, how are you doing? I'm Lotte, a bit old and weird woman. I'm not a so-called "ultra-Westernized"/"seiyo-kabureshita" person. But I'm just trying to force myself to write in foreign languages in order to prevent senility. I love traveli…