Lottex2’s mumble

Putting down whatever I feel


Sublimating "hatred" into "love" could only be the way to save the world.

Violence creates hatred.

The hatred creates another violence.

Another violence creates another hatred…

This chain goes on forever, and the hatred deepens. 

This is nothing but a vicious circle.

We have to cut it by sublimating hatred into love.


The violence gets more powerful by the latest technology destroying the Earth itself in the end.

Everyone has to realize that each one should be a crew member on the only one spaceship called "the Earth", cherishing Nature and all the living creatures on it.

Is the population too large? No way, that's why Technology and Science exist!!!

First of all, each one of us can do what we can!!

We are thinking-reeds!!

Always keep in mind the word "Sublimation".