Lottex2’s mumble

Putting down whatever I feel

Mumble 5 - 07.02.2021

Hi, what's up?

Not much for my part!

But as I told you the day before yesterday, I would like to do something helpful for kids, especially for kids in a kinda imminent situation. But I don't know how to apply for such an institute.

I applied for an orphanage last year....but they restrict its number of staff members to avoid the infection of COVID19.  Therefore the job interview was postponed until the settlement of the pandemic.


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Yesterday evening I had a farewell party for one of my ex-colleagues who found a marvelous job abroad. (Actually, it was a reunion of ex-work place over dinner.)

Under such a COVID19 pandemic, she did an incredibly great job indeed!

I feel jealous, but I would really love to praise her great achievement from the bottom of my heart!!!

I'm so happy for her!!   I know she is super diligent and industrious, so there's no wonder at all.

I think all my colleagues are working passionately with pride in their job.

I've worked for several companies with different kinds of jobs up to now. However, I would like to be a little choosy this time as this may be my last job in life. I am not focused on making money, but rather on living a life worth living through social services for children.
It would be nice to receive some amount of compensation, but that is not important at all. Because, since this is completely different from my career, I'm not well-certified at all.  But I don't intend to start studying to prepare for some exams for realizing it. It sounds like a waste of time because I'm already old. The most important thing of all is that I would love to stay with children hurt physically or mentally, along with some abandoned pets, as soon as possible. To realize building such an institute, what should I do?

I'd like to think it over. 

Let's call it a day.

Bye, now!

Lotte K