Lottex2’s mumble

Putting down whatever I feel


Mumble 8 - 23.02.2021

How have you been? I'm just lazy in writing. Me? I'm pretty good because it's getting warmer day by day. Recently, I'm mad against MSM or G○F○ because they won't report the truth or will cover up the truth deleting what seems to be inconve…

Mumble 7 - 17.02.2021

Come stai, tutto bene? Io sto bene. Ma non ho potuto scriverti per niente! Quello che mi ha fatto arrabbiare e' un articolo come allegato: New Europa Pubblicato 11:00 febbraio 12, 2021 Il capo delle Olimpiadi di Tokyo si dimette per commen…

Mumble 6 - 09.02.2021

Hi, there! How are you? I'm good!! It's pretty warm today. I got a haircut, dyed, and permanent yesterday. My hair-style gets now a little fluffy, so I'm a bit in a fluffy mood. I'm ashamed myself telling you like this as if I were a young…

Mumble 5 - 07.02.2021

Hi, what's up? Not much for my part! But as I told you the day before yesterday, I would like to do something helpful for kids, especially for kids in a kinda imminent situation. But I don't know how to apply for such an institute. I appli…

Mumble 4 -05.02.2021

Salut, comment allez-vous, Lotte P ? Je vais bien. Qu'est-ce que tu as fait aujourd'hui ? Je n'ai rien fait de spécial. C'était bien et il ne faisait pas si froid. Mais j'ai pensé à mon avenir. Pour être exact, j'ai pensé au reste de ma vi…

Mumble 3 - 04.02.2021

Oi, Lotte P! Tudo bem? Eu estou bem.Eu acho que a maneira como as coisas funcionam neste mundo está errada!Tenho vergonha de minha incapacidade porque eu era muito ignorante e indiferente.Não posso elaborar o que me aconteceu, agora.Mas, n…

Mumble 2 - 03.02.2021

Hola hola, ¿qué tal, Lotte P? Estoy muy bien. ¡Hoy está bien con menos nubes! ¿De qué tema debo hablar hoy? Es vergonzoso decir que no tengo suficiente vocabulario para explicar las cosas en español pero lo intentaré de todos modos. Ayer f…

Mumble 1 - 02.02.2021

Ciao, ciao Lotte P, come stai? Io/Lotte K sto abbastanza bene!! Ti è piaciuta la poesia di Kenji Miyazawa? Speo di si. Qualche anni fa, ho trovato la traduzione in italiano come sotto. Ma sfortunamente non posso trovala quindi non posso sc…


Hi, how are you doing? I'm Lotte, a bit old and weird woman. I'm not a so-called "ultra-Westernized"/"seiyo-kabureshita" person. But I'm just trying to force myself to write in foreign languages in order to prevent senility. I love traveli…