Lottex2’s mumble

Putting down whatever I feel

To another world!

I saw the setting sun exactly like a sunrise.
The big round sun was shining, emitting bright rays on the ground and even into my eyes.
The sun sets in the west, but it seemed to be moving horizontally(slightly downward) from southwest to northwest.
I felt the purity of the air and a sign of shift into another world.
Billions of thanks for all you and your special guys have done!!
God bless you all and all children on the globe!!


I'd love to do what I can do for kids and animals in order to see their brilliant eyes filled with curiosity.







Sublimating "hatred" into "love" could only be the way to save the world.

Violence creates hatred.

The hatred creates another violence.

Another violence creates another hatred…

This chain goes on forever, and the hatred deepens. 

This is nothing but a vicious circle.

We have to cut it by sublimating hatred into love.


The violence gets more powerful by the latest technology destroying the Earth itself in the end.

Everyone has to realize that each one should be a crew member on the only one spaceship called "the Earth", cherishing Nature and all the living creatures on it.

Is the population too large? No way, that's why Technology and Science exist!!!

First of all, each one of us can do what we can!!

We are thinking-reeds!!

Always keep in mind the word "Sublimation".


Dr. Fell

I still remember this epigram and always recite it as mumbling to myself:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"I do not like thee, Doctor Fell"
Nursery rhyme
Written 1680
Genre Traditional rhyme
Songwriter(s) Tom Brown

I do not like (or love) thee, Doctor Fell is an epigram, said to have been translated by satirical English poet Tom Brown in 1680.[1][2] Later it has been recorded as a nursery rhyme and a proverb.


The anecdote associated with the origin of the rhyme is that when Brown was a student at Christ Church, Oxford, he was caught doing mischief. The college dean, John Fell (1625–1686) had expelled Brown but offered to take him back if he passed a test. If Brown could make an extempore translation of the thirty-second epigram of Martial, his expulsion would be cancelled. The epigram in Latin is as follows:

Non amo te, Sabide, nec possum dicere quare.
Hoc tantum possum dicere: non amo te,[3]

a literal translation of which is "I do not like you, Sabidius, nor can I say why. This much I can say: I do not like you." Brown successfully met the challenge with his impromptu version, which soon became well known:

I do not like thee, Doctor Fell,
The reason why – I cannot tell;
But this I know, and know full well,
I do not like thee, Doctor Fell.[3]

The story is that Dr. Fell stayed Brown's dismissal but the story is apocryphal. All that is known is that Brown left Oxford without a degree.



I had a lot of Dr. Fell before.  But I found that they were NOT real Dr. Fell for me.

I have only Dr. Fell, who has been hurting children.

He's been depriving them of brightness, dreams and hopes from their eyes.

I do not like thee, DR. FELL!!



Mumble 11 - 30.03.2021

Ciao Ciao!

Da tanto tempo non ci sentiamo.....scusami!

Tutto bene?   Sto abbastanza bene, grazie!

La piena fioritura dei fiori di ciliegio è quasi finita.

Ma non ti preoccupare!! 

Poi inizia la stagione di un altro tipo di fiori di ciliegio (con doppio fiore).

Comunque fa bel tempo con la temperatura quasi 20 gradi (C).

Devo portare i miei cappotti spessi in lavanderia.

Ahhh....è una spesa dolorosa......


Vi piace la censura?
Buon divertimento!





Mumble 10 - 13.03.2021

Hi, how have you been?

I'm OK, there was nothing special.

Yesterday, I went to Tachikawa to check the Exhibition titled

“Alone Together” of Arnold Lobel.

It was the exhibition of picture books and many sketches by American author Arnold Lobel.

The author takes up simple daily subjects as themes of the stories.

Characters in his books are mainly small animals such as frogs, rats, owls, lizards, snakes, etc.  One of his famous works is a series of “Frog and Toad”. 

We can naturally feel the importance of having compassion for each other without forcing moral guidance.

The entire book is composed of illustrations with a gentle touch and a few colors and simple sentences.

Though each image is very simple and delicate, the animals are very expressive.  This means that his pictures are based on a high level of realism.



Mumble 9 - 03.03.2021

Ciao ciao?

Come stai?

Fa bel tempo oggi!! Quindi mi sento molto bene!!!

Oggi è il giorno della festa delle bambine e delle donne.

Si chiama "HINAMATSURI"!!!!

Sono ormai una anziana... ma mi ricordo di qualche memoria quando ero piccola.

Grazie mille di cuore per la gentilezza e l'amore di miei genitori e di miei nonni.

Avrei dovuto dirvelo direttamente.....scusatemi!!


Tanti anni fa, abbiamo fatto una festa delle bambine e delle donne in italia.

Abbiamo fatto una spiegare sul’”HINAMATSURI" alle straniere - tutte le donne!

Poi mangiavamo i piatti speciali che noi, un gruppo delle donne giapponesi, avevamo fatto. È stata una esperienza meraviliosissima!! È stato veramente un scambio della cultura!!
Ecco una breve spiegazione sul'"HINAMATSURI" come sotto;

“Hina-Matsuri” o la festa delle bambine, fino a 12-13 anni, si celebra il terzo giorno del terzo mese dell'anno, cioè il 3 marzo. Mostriamo delle bambole meravigliose che rappresentano questa festa: originariamente per le ragazze, oggi è un'occasione di divertimento per tutte le famiglie. Si mangia “l'Hishimochi”, una torta di riso a forma di diamante, e si beve lo “Shirozake”, una bevanda dolce a base di riso e malto, che non è alcolica.

Le bambole chiamate “Hina-ningyo”, che esponiamo durante le celebrazioni, non sono per bambini con cui giocare.  Sono oggetti preziosi, spesso tramandati di generazione in generazione come patrimonio familiare.  Le bambole devono essere esposte nella stanza migliore della casa, una volta all'anno solo per questa festa.

Per ogni bambina nata in una famiglia, i genitori, i nonni e gli amici le regalano le bambole per fare una festa che celebra la felicità e la crescita sana della loro bambina appena nata. 

Di solito, il set completo è composto da 15 bambole che rappresentano un'antica corte imperiale.  Indossano abiti “Kimono” tradizionali, cuciti e ricamati in dettaglio, e hanno piccoli strumenti, piatti, cibi e ventagli - capolavori di miniature!

I personaggi più importanti sono i “Dairi-sama”: l'imperatore e l'imperatrice, vestiti con abiti di seta di corte.  Sono seguiti da ministri, dignitari, dame di corte e musicisti nell'ordine sociale. 

Li mettiamo tutti su un espositore chiamato “Hina-dan” con sette ampi gradini (150-200cm di altezza) coperti da un tappeto rosso brillante su cui le bambole sono sedute. 

I “Dairi-sama” sono sul gradino più alto, l'imperatore a sinistra, l'imperatrice a destra.  Dietro di loro, un paravento decorato, due lanterne tradizionali e i vasi con fiori di pesco sono posizionati.

I fiori di pesco rappresentano il matrimonio felice, e sono decorazioni essenziali.  Gli ornamenti di fiori di pesco rappresentano anche la tranquillità, la gentilezza e la calma, che sono caratteristiche indispensabili per le signore donne giapponesi. 

Per celebrare la festa, invitiamo gli amici a casa nostra, e prima ci scambiamo saluti molto formali vicino alle bambole in modo molto educato e tradizionale, poi iniziamo a gustare un pasto speciale e gioioso.

Subito dopo il giorno dell'”Hinamatsuri”, tutte le bambole e gli accessori devono essere riposti con cura nelle loro scatole di legno originali, uno per uno, per proteggerli dalla polvere e dai raggi del sole.  Ogni anno, è molto divertente per tutte le bambine giapponesi aprire la scatola per mettere in ordine le bambole, i fiori di pesco e gli accessori.

Vi auguriamo un delizioso “Hinamatsuri” con la vostra famiglia il 3 marzo!!!!





Mumble 8 - 23.02.2021

How have you been?

I'm just lazy in writing. 

Me? I'm pretty good because it's getting warmer day by day.

Recently, I'm mad against MSM or G○F○ because they won't report the truth or will cover up the truth deleting what seems to be inconvenient to them.

We the people cannot get what's actually going on abroad or domestically through MSM therefore we have to choose the media which is reporting the fact neutrally without any bias and also choose the platform on which we can be allowed free-expression without any censorship.  This was supposed to be a quite natural and normal thing in the countries of democracy.

As for covering up the truth, it reminds me of one of Aesop Fables titled "The King with Donkey Ears".  Of course, you knew, right?

Its summary is as follows;

A long time ago, there was a king who had big floppy ears shaped just like the ears of a donkey. The king was very embarrassed about his ears and always covered them up when he was in public so that the people of the village would never be allowed to discover his secret. The only person who ever saw the king’s ears was his barber.

The king often warned the barber. ‘You must promise never to tell anyone that I have ears shaped like a donkey, or I will put you in the prison where you shall remain for the rest of your life.’

The barber found it very hard to keep this secret because he wanted to tell all of the villagers about the king’s ears, but he always remembered the king’s warning and kept the secret to himself for many years.

But one day, the barber knew that he could keep the secret to himself no longer. He walked out of the village into the countryside where he was sure that he was all alone. Then he found a patch of reed and began to dig with his hands. He made a very deep hole, and he leaned over into it and shouted at the top of his voice, ‘The king has ears shaped like a donkey! The king has ears shaped like a donkey!’

Once he had shouted out the king’s secret, the barber felt much better. Then he covered over the hole with earth and reeds and returned to his home.

One windy day, the villagers hear a song whispering, “The king has ears shaped like a donkey! The king has ears shaped like a donkey!” The song was soon spread among all the villagers.  They all giggled and laughed because they now came to know why the king always covered up his head whenever he was out in public.

It did not take very long before the king realized that everybody knew his secret and was very embarrassed and very angry.

But the king did not put the barber into the prison because the whisper of reed spread it.  Since then, the king did not cover up his ears and tried to listen to the villagers' voices very well.  The villagers love and respect their king very much.

From Aesop Fables


Man is only a reed, the weakest in nature, but he is a thinking reed.

Blaise Pascal, Pensées No. 200


 We, each one of us, are a thinking reed.  We can spread the truth as a VOICE.